Monday, October 14, 2013

all about me n him

Easy to fallen in love with someone....
Difficult to manage the love with long distend... 
You never know what will happen between each others..

to be honest long distend love damn suffer ourselves...
Cant watch movie together, can't dinner together... not even sometime can't chit chat with you..
the place you wish to go together with boyfriend the end friend will only the one accompany you..
cause he's far away from you..
i can't blame anything to him.. & i dunnoe how to say too =(
sometime when i trying talk to him all this, he will feel like i'm argue-ing with him..
that's not fair to me... i really disappointing with what he say and reply sometime..
i really think that he should be more mature from me (haha.. infact look mature only)
i been give him so much chance to explain and tell me what is his plan...
finally yesterday he told me his plan.. "plan to buy a house"
that's good actually if guy have a house.. but that's not our future plan right?
HOUSE for guy must have not only good for me.. aim right?

How about me? i been telling him most probably i will change citizen if gov offer me..
do you think about it? should i still need travelling home after get married?
how long i have to back malacca to meet you? once a month? twice a month? or???
if i pregnant how? where i should give birth? malacca or singapore?
can't sleep well, and all this disturbing me.. i can't control myself to think of it..
cause i'm not 13 or 23 years old... i'm a girl reaching 30 soon...

If you can give me a very good suggestion i might be consider it..
but u didnt think of it.. still asking me dont think too much.. WTH...
please look it into serious ok...
i can't accept my husband stay away with me... 
separate life can't make it longer... lonely life who can accept it forever?

Honest specking, i can't accept my salary with RM2000 if you wanted me back to malacca..
how i going to survive? i dont wish to drop into suffer & poor life although my life here not rich
but i still can spend money and go holidays... if i going back how about my insurance? 
all this pay in Sing Dollar... would you will help me to pay? no rite?

I didnt request you to come singapore to work forever.. but can you try to work here to earn some?
maybe after you try you love here n wish to stay here for long?
singapore life damn boring i know.. u can't give up your night life... 
but u must think for your future and ours future.. unless you wish our relationship is just like now..
then i will tell you that, please let me go.. i rather single and enjoying my life without suffer..

missing someone not that only used mouth to say... action will be prove to each others..
seriously only the below photo showing we're so lovely when drunk~~~~~

told you before we start our relationship, i need a guy to take care me not hurting me..
work here only can make our life become more rich if we force ourselves to save.. 
Please don't be too selfish.. i didnt ask you to give up ur parents... 
just for few years... earn more and can improve our life...

If you really can't give me a very good suggestion, i will make a decision for you...

你所谓的幸福是怎样? 你所谓的甜蜜有怎样?


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