Friday, June 7, 2013

What so difficult????

Recently damn Emo~~~~~~ 

Sometime I'm silent doesn't mean I don't care about it!!!!
I jus dun like to calculative too much with YOU...
But please don't take for granted...

Everyone have temper... Jus to see how u handle it..

Some ppl can handle very well, some jus trying to escape it..

Recently I feel down on it... I'm upset with what she said...
Jus like you knew me so long but u didn't understand me well...
As what the photo mention...
"Jus wanted to find someone to understand / know me well, why so difficult"

Maybe I try ppl by heart.. Ppl jus treat me like shit!! Hahhaha....
What u said really hurting me... As a ladies boss I can't accept the way u said...
U let me felt that I'm like a fool work hard for u 6th years end u felt that because of unbalance n jealous of the salary u offering to new ppl I will anyhow teach them?

This really hurting me... Don't u think so? When I replied you with low voice u should knew that I'm angry...

Ya maybe I'm jus a diploma holder that's why u look down on me... Nvm... 
I take ur low offer lastime is because I need this job urgently to leave e idiot guy.. 
But now NO.... I'm freedom and I already have someone who love me... 
I can choice a better offer instead.... 
I must convent myself to leave this company no matter how or wat boss says...

If I stay back is not because of you.. Is because of boss..
But I still remember what boss said lastime : we have money sure can hire better one..
So think one day boss will say this to me one day...

Anywhere I really hope they can hire someone so I able to leave here with peace...
All the best to you...



At June 10, 2013 at 10:21 PM , Blogger Unknown said...



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