Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fried Sweet Potato Ball

i miss Fried sweet Potato ball very much..... 
so will plan to try fried again next week... 
super easy you may try...

share some ingredient with you all..

Fried Sweet Potato Ball (Yummy)


材料 (Ingredient)

地瓜 (蕃薯 ) 300GM,
Sweet potato (300gm)
木薯粉約 100 gm, Tapioca Flour (100gm)
糖約三湯匙,Sugar (3 tea spoon)
清水 50ml, Water (50 ml) 



removed sweet potato skin, boil it.

2) 趁熱取出地瓜搗成泥,加入糖拌勻,地瓜比較有甜度,糖不用加很多.

can bland it or use spoon, add in sugar (taste it before add all it might be too sweet)

3) 地瓜泥放到不燙手,加入木薯粉 ,加入清水,用手揉均勻。添加木薯粉到地瓜泥大致不黏手的程度。
when sweet potato was cold add in tapioca flour and add in water using hand.

4) 把地瓜泥分開揉成小球,小球要小一點(璃彈珠差不多大就好)。 因為地瓜球還要壓會膨脹,做大了會膨得很大。

doll it to be small piece like ping pong ball (dont too big)

5) 起油鍋,大約100度左右開始炸,要中小火炸瓜球,放進去後要輕快的翻動讓整顆地瓜球都沾到油,不然小球們會黏在一起。待小球表面呈现金黄色后,捞起并沥干油即可

Fired it will 100 degree, fried potato ball until gold colour will do.

See below photo can make you more clear...

Completed....  Yummy Yummy

Enjoy sweet potato ball with Hot green tea =)
Hope you all like it..



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