Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 3 - Alishan to Nantou (阿里山-清境南投)

Day 3 - Morning Alishan...

today task - 坐小火车看日出,神木,夫妻树,日月潭,清境

Must check the train day for different season.. winter sun wake up late about 7.10am so 1st train will be 6.45am.. but we wake up at 4.30am and get out to Q for ticket at 5plus...

we are so luck able to get 1st train 第一趟火车赏太阳... haha.. so excited...

most of the people will go early to chop nice place.. so we also be giasu abit..

我 们去的那一天只有一趟火车上和回,是世上最少人的一天啊.... but we can get very nice view cause not much people... maybe the weather too cold so some of them rather slept more instead..

thanks god.. we are lucky baby... we able see sunrise 日出和云海... really LUCKY

太美了吧.... 真的很难忘

super cold.... after sunrise and remember dont drag too long there cause the train wont wait for you.. if u missed the train and that day only one train den you may have to walk down already..

after breakfast and we prepare to check-out and go for 夫妻树,日月潭,清境

Breakfast buffer prepare by hotel...

Finish breakfast, let go to visit 夫妻树.. 下山咯.....

the view are so beautiful - 是不是很美... 真的太美了..

the famous tree at Alishan hill - 夫妻树... Which is wife and who is husband? 我不知道 

okies.... nice view.... nice weather... moving to 日月潭... but take lunch 1st

having lunch at 山脚下

super delicious lunch, cheap and nice =)

Selfie ~~~~



after long journey.. we finally reach 日月潭, must take boat to visit all the island surround there...

must take ah ma tea egg.. 啊麽茶叶蛋,纸包鸡

after 日月潭 we go for 文武庙... 

okies... Completed today task... is time to go qingjing- nantou

we very late den reach qingjing farm -观星园

super cold.... weather super cold~~~~ after dinner steamboat buffer we go meet 石头to play firecracker

stay Nantau- qingjing - 观星园,真的满天星,我们很幸运还看到-北斗七星也...
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