Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 2 - Taichung to Alishan

Day 2 - 08-01-2015

Wake up early the morning go for breakfast at 7-11 =)
eating snake or foodies at 7-11 Taiwan is the MUST

2min walking distant from Fengjia Inn, beside Fengjia University

阿Q maggie Mee MUST TRY  + milk tea  We have simple breakfast before meet with 石头哥

Having Breakfast or supper at Taiwan 7-11 is a MUST (always shown on movie)

 Green Tea Yakult MUST TRY- NTD 25

Prepare Snack for Alishan Journey 

DAY 2 - STOP 1 - 早餐

After check-out (drop the room key into the letter box at the entrance door) super easy and me go for the Day 2 breakfast at Taichung, 石头哥bring us for the toast shop to having super delicious and simple bread. But Long Q

see Taiwanese all like to have simple breakfast in the morning... that's why they are so slim n healthy.. if at Singapore hawker is clouded and most of ppl Q-ing for fried mee hun, nasi lemak.. that's why we are so so so...... 丰满 =)

肉蛋土司 - MUST TRY

Yeah!!!! My breakfast =) i having sandwich toast + soya bean
(Super Nice Must Try)

Address: No. 1005, Jianxing Road, West District, Taichung City, Taiwan 403
Open today · 4:30 am – 12:00 pm


We are so lucky able to visit the teddy bear 展览 along the strict... there are so many different type of teddy bear sponsor by different company.

Mcd Teddy Bear 

here are too many different Teddy bear so i make it all together...

this is the bigger size Teddy bear which made by packet of candy.. 

2014 台中泰迪熊嘉年華/ 2014 Taichung Teddy Bear Carnival

地址: 台中美术街 (National Taiwan Museum),120.6583075,14z/data=!4m5!1m2!2m1!1z5Y-w5Lit576O6aOf!3m1!1s0x0000000000000000:0xf28ebf06b3156f9c

Alright is time to Alishan... We will Stay a night at Alishan so we can relax and enjoy the journey not that rush... 自由行的好处,随自己时间。想停就停想走就走...

Actually from Taichung to Alishan damn far journey lucky we book 石头哥service
for who take public transport i suggest to stay at Chiayi, Taiwan is more nearly to Alishan. Can take bus or train =)

benefit to book car service is we can drop along the way=)

after the visit of Teddy Bear 石头哥bring us to visit one super special shop selling goodies and chocolate.. You may take alook on the shop..

after finish visit this shop... we start our journey to Alishan lor... Finally... but we are not hurry cause we have alot of time =) take our own sweet time =)

On our way to Alishan will pass by 石头哥house, we make a visit.. her parent so friendly and we are so lucky her mum cook special foodies for her family and she invited us to take some lunch before go alishan... buy brought some bread to Alishan cause mountain didnt have much shop for snack...

the bread really nice and her 太阳饼super delicious and cheap only NTD 15 each.. we order 80pcs to bring back home =)

** brought bread for snack and the important is we need some drink.... we drop by the bubble tea shop name called "50 岗" and we have ours bubble tea

Alright everything in order... Lets start 坐车享受风景.... hahaha....
we passby a guava farm and saw a stall beside the road and we decide to buy few guava.. Alex & 石头哥get down to choose the guava and they come back told us nobody at stall but they bring back 3 nos of guava =_=!!!

they put NTD 100 at the table and back to car... haha... lucky they didnt stole it =)

Continue our journey to Alishan... 石头哥telling us a story about Taiwanese borrow money from temple and will return after a year later??? sound like joking rite? we not believe it and he bring us to the temple to take alook...

 土地公庙 - 南投竹山紫南宫

**土地公庙 - 可以借钱 more info http://www.紫南宮.tw/service/service01.htm

you can go they ask 土地公wheter can borrow you money? if Yes den you can go Q-ing and get the red packet with NTD 500

super good right... 

there is long Q - 只限台湾人哦... we only can see

But you can try ur lucky with playing - 刮刮乐... We try.. i get win TWD 200 but my friend are so lucky she win alot but we didnt get cash but replace with the card and try luck against...

there are so many different type of card... TWD 100, 500, 1000 we choose fruit card which TWD100 each to have fun...

Really have fun lor.... 

see her happy face... haha

we also try for TOTO Luck... and against she win another 50 buck.. she are so lucky sial...

this is the 7 start public toilet...

Seriously we need to move on liao =) we play too much and spend alot at 刮刮乐.. haha.. wish to heng heng...

along the way we found that quite alot shop selling chicken.. 石头哥告诉我们很好吃哦... so we decided to grab one chicken to Alishan =) we super greedy and tam chiak right.. holidays must shop n eat only will feel happy...

this is the chicken we mention "Wong鸡" i dunnoe how to write in chinese..
but the chicken steam inside the big hot pot.. the smell super yummy...

this is the chicken ready to eat look =) like roaster chicken right.. the 汁super nice...

this is the chicken boss, he super friendly.. treat us drink Alishan Tea while waiting for chicken.

they way going up Alishan will pass by a temple, so we make a visit too.. 济公庙 +天长地久桥

Alright, finish brought chicken, guava and bread.. is time to move up to Alishan time around 2.30pm
we need to move up early if not will have alot cloud 起雾will be dangerous...

but..... halfway we stop against at a new couple garden.. the view is nice.. for sure alot of couple took their pre-wedding photo there.. and we took photo too =)

is a new garden, do you see under construction behind? so we jus make some funny post =)

we unable to catch for sunset due to the weather but we are so lucky we meet 云海... super beautiful..
we try to snap photo but what we saw from real totally big different with photo =)

timing is very important.... we are so hungry after vomit... hahaha

super nice view, i love it... 完全忘了吐过.. haha

so happy when we saw this sign =).. Yes finally we reached Alishan... So cold sial....
check-in to 樱山大大饭店 more info can visit here
once get into our room the 1st thing we do is drink hot tea and change to more thicken dresses...

Alishan Green Tea, i love it

no joke- no joke... the wind too heavy =( must wear like this if not sure catch cold.. 我们不习惯冷天

Yes, dinner time... Super Yummy - Steamboat pot and rice =) i ate 2 bowl rice cause too hungry after vomit =) 

please be remember on winter time the hotel will stop hot water on 10.30pm and will provide heater to us... so remember bath early... Dont catch cold during holidays - suffer.. be abit giasui nvm.. 

Please take note, buying train ticket advance is super important, ticket counter close at 4.30pm if you able to reach Alishan before 4.00pm.. too but we are late.. so next day must wake up early to Q for the ticket.. they open at 5am..

after dinner we when to 7-11 (the higher 7-11 at taiwan) we brought wood postcard and send back to Singapore and Malaysia. Must post as own souvenir. we each for each others.


Okies... is time back to bed... tomorrow need to wake-up at 4.30am....

Good night Alishan....


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