Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Snowy C+ Collagen Drink 【Snowy C+胶原蛋白】

Snowy C+胶原蛋白❤黄金比例5:3:1~ 无需多重功能✦只需完美搭配

每天只需五分钟,Snowy C+ Collagen让您の肌肤完美重生!

** 无需多重功能,只需完美搭配
**全新的Snowy C+ Collagen 5:3:1配方,让您从内到外散发自然美。

5:3:1 黄金比例配合最细小的分子可让身体更迅速完全吸收。


100%天然,不含防腐剂以及人造荷尔蒙,没有副作用,让你安心享用。**临床试验结果显示,服用Snowy C+ Collagen, 7天后会提高肌肤的水润和光泽程度。28天后肌肤明显更白皙,明亮和紧致。每天只需五分钟,Snowy C+ Collagen让您的皮肤完美重生!

Snowy C+ Collagen Perfect Ratio 5:3:1 Does not need Multiple functions ✦ Only need a Perfect Ratio

Snowy C+ Collagen is a functional marine collagen beauty drink which is developed specially for Asians. It helps to firm up, hydrate and restore skin natural glow and youthful vitality. By integrating the advanced Japan technology to break down molecules, the highest quality collagen is absorbed instantly by cells and penetrates deep into dermis.

Snowy C+ Collagen is a 100% natural and effective complete formula supplement that providing incredible anti-ageing, health and beauty benefits within a short period of time.

✦✦Skin and Collagen✦✦

Collagen accounts for up to 75% of the weight of the dermis and is responsible for the smoothness, firmness and elasticity of the skin. It plays a vital role in providing the structural scaffolding for cells, tissues, and organs.

When ageing begins which is normally after 25, the synthesis rate of collagen in our skin decreases significantly and loss gradually by 1.5% per annum. This will lead to various skin afflictions, such as wrinkles, skin dryness, fine lines, enlarged pores, dark eye circles, stubborn scars and so forth.

Therefore, consuming adequate amounts of collagen are crucial for us to maintain the skin elasticity and flexibility, as well as delay the ageing process.

✦✦The 9 Unbeatable Benefits of Snowy C+ Cocoa Collagen

✦Repair damaged skin’s cell
✦ Rejuvenate aged skin
✦ Brighten skin’s tone
✦ Lighten pigmentation
✦ Strengthen skin’s elasticity
✦ Promote regeneration of skin’s collagen
✦ Provide nutrients to skin’s tissues
✦ Strong antioxidant
✦ Rehydrate skin for longer hour


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