Saturday, September 27, 2014

Preparing 2015 January - Winter Taiwan

I'm so excited when the Tigerair doing promotion to Ntuc member...
the promotion ticket one way damn cheap and Two way Just S$239.89 ALL IN
Usually this price is for my BKK, Thailand trip airticket price..
for me this is consider cheap....

Checked back the ticket few days later (after promotion)

So ticket = S$285.90 + Baggage 15kg - go S$25.00 + Baggage 20kg return S$26.00 + insurance S$75.96 total ticket will be = S$412.86 for two way..

We are save about S$172.97 for each pax (we total 4 pax) = Yea we save S$691.88 

i'm so happy, can fly again to Taiwan =)
which my lovely place for eat n seeing... shopping not really my 1st choice at taiwan but i love Taiwanese they are so friendly.. u will feel warm...

3 more months to go for my Taiwan from end of Sep to January...
but i'm so excited... to be honest i spend my working hrs to do those research for taiwan..
i went there for 3 times, but more are follow tours.. this time i will be free & easy for me.
so the homework i need to do more and gather more info to avoid any mistake...

there are so many nice place i wish to go for this trip...
oh dear, be a travel planner really need do alot research and more detailing...
i found alot of beautiful place at taiwan which i never been there before ( sound sad right)
but for this trip i really wish to plan everything in good and cover most of the taiwan famous area..
cause 4 of us, im e only one went there before.. they all are new...
so i wish to let them have a sweet memories to taiwan =)

here are my draft  Taiwan Itinerary 2015 (January)

7日- 桃园自行(bullet train TWD 599) 到台中
(台中)至高美,慕思怡教堂,東海, 逢甲夜市,住逢甲
Day 1- From Taoyuan airport to Taichung station
going gaomei place a super beautiful place you guy will love it..

Taichung City (Taichung Station) to Qingshui Station den get bus over (3h 11 Min)
 do you love it? Yes i like it =) so must go..... hahahaha

慕思怡教堂,東海 - special church.... nearby

the Taichung more famous Night market is Fengjia Night market so last stop at Taichung.
We stay at Taichung Ming Shu - 4 pax per room TWD 2200

 I'm planning to visit Arisan for this trip...
long time ago i wish to go there but due to weather and the train stop service so we unable to visit.
Next year January, Arisan sure cold =) Hahahaha....

8日 - (阿里山),奮起湖,小火車看日出,夫妻樹

 奮起湖- old street to the train....

Den take train to see sakura if we really lucky... but blossom is February to April... (so unlucky)
but i do some research, actually at Arisan hill still can see different type of flower like below:-




seem like not bad right, cause some of Taiwanese told me that January go Arisan like nothing and it will be super cold compare with others month... but for us we really wanna try winter feel =) as singapore and malaysia didnt have 4 season.. agree with me =) Yeah you will say YES...

but i wont be put too much hope for it la... but still... you know... haha.. photo always make people have different thinking... hahaha~~~

here are too much beautiful place for me to choice...

9日 - (南投),日月潭,紙教堂,清境農場,紙箱王,小瑞士花園
Nantou is the next stop... the moonsunlake a place must go... and we going Chinjing farm as well..
This day will be relax... 

10日 - (花蓮),太魯格,海洋公園,七星潭,清水斷崖,雁子口步道,冷泉,吉米公園 ,合欢山

winter winter winter... what u will link for winter?? Is Snow~~~~
Yeah i found some blogger mention they going hehuanshan have snow... so we plan for it as well..

 Since we are at taiwan for winter season so must chat for the snowing season.. unable travel to angmo place so taiwan hehuanshan also not bad =)



Do my photo make u wanna feel like join us to taiwan? hahaha....
You sure will love taiwan if you do alot of research....

11日 - (台北),9份老街,十分天燈,,士林,野柳

here are last two day... we return back to taipei...


a very nice seeing place at taiwan... i went there before with my parent...
you may visit if you have a lot of time...

the rest of the day at taipei we just plan relax and relax.. but still have few nice photo to post on my blog...

due to limited of time, i jus plan for the most famous place...

hope will cover for them and make them have a nice trip at taiwan...

Countdowning to my taiwan trip......

beside i need to start research for my Macau & zhuhai trip for Next April 2015.

stay with me yea...


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