Monday, June 16, 2014

LoveCell Jelly Detox


2013崭新科技果冻排毒;爱你の大肠,爱你の健康,就从LoveCell Jelly Detox 开始,做个零毒素美人儿吧!!


LoveCell Jelly Detox, 含有高品质且高纤维的成分,但是只要跟着指示冲调,喝的时候就像檸檬果汁那样美味可口,不会黏黏稠稠哦O(∩_∩)O~

通过呼吸、喝水和进食,我们的身体每天随时随地都会受到毒素的入侵。虽然在这种情况下是避不可免的,但是我们可以寻求一个良好且全面的清洁肠道方法,以便 将体内累积已久的毒素排出体外。因此,LoveCell Jelly Detox の专门研制是为了帮助身体达到平衡。LoveCell Jelly Detox 是一种融合了高品质且高纤维的纯天然补充品,它提供的纤维和益生元能够同过排毒以及净化身体而让您更健康。

It is commonly known that we all need to detox. Our bodies are exposed to toxins everyday and everywhere by breathing the air, drinking water or eating food. Although this is inevitable in this situation, we can seek for a good and comprehensive intestinal cleansing method to flush out the accumulated toxins in our bodies. Thus, Love Cell is a specifically formulated supplement that helps the body achieves balanced well-being. Love Cell is a proprietary blend of high quality natural and high fibre supplementary beverage that provides fibre and prebiotics to detoxify and purify the body for better health.



【规格】 - 10g×15包
【主要成分】 -柠檬果实、绿茶粉、阿萨伊浆果粉、洛神粉、芦荟凝胶粉、苜蓿粉、红甜菜提取物、瓜尔豆胶、甘草根提取物、抗坏血酸.。

【产品功效】 -
✦✦ 促进排毒 ►► 排除废物和毒素
✦✦ 缓解便秘 ►► 改善肠胃蠕动
✦✦ 促进减肥 ►► 防止水肿或腹胀
✦✦ 延迟肌肤老化 ►► 去除有害的自由基
✦✦ 增强肌肤状况 ►► 使肌肤更白皙亮丽
✦✦ 加强免疫功能 ►► 提供维生素和矿物质的每日需求量.
【适合人群】 -
► 成人和老年人
► 患有便秘、节食、超重、水肿、消化不良和免疫功能低的人士.
► 繁忙的城市居民和肉食者

【食用方法】 - 每天晚饭后或者睡前饮用,每次1包。将一小袋的LoveCell Jelly Detox 和400毫升的冷水放进Shaker, 摇3-5下并立即饮用, 口味最佳.

温馨提示】 - 在服用 LoveCell Jelly Detox 期间,每天喝足够的水份(至少2 - 3L) 以便缓解通便并发挥其最佳的效果。


问:什么时间服用Love Cell为佳?

问:服用Love Cell多久后才能见效?
答:由于这个产品中的成分可以帮助身体排毒和缓解便秘,所以通常在服用后的6~8小时就会有便意。持续服用Love Cell一个星期内就能够看见肚腩扁平了。虽然它不是瘦身补充品,可是使用者都察觉在排毒的过程中有着瘦身的效果。在服用了一个月以后,您会看见个方面有着明显地改善,这包括排便比以前顺畅、体重减少以及免疫力提高。此外,您也会发觉肌肤逐渐变得柔嫩细腻、精致和晶莹剔透。

答:想要达到事半功倍的效果,您应该每天饮用足够的白开水, 就是至少2至3公升。我们产品含有丰富的纤维素,而纤维素也需要足够的水分才能够发挥其功效。此外,喝水还有助于排除体内堆积的毒素和废物。

问:长期服用Love Cell会造成任何的副作用吗?
答:Love Cell所选的都是100%纯天然的原料。即使长时间服用都不会产生副作用。

问:在服食其它药物的同时, 我可否服用此产品?



Main IngredientsLemon flesh, Green tea powder, Acai berry powder, Roselle powder, Aloe vera gel powder, Alfalfa powder, Red beet extract, Guar gum, Licorice root extract, Ascorbic acid.
Net content: 10g×15 Sachets  
Suitable for people: 
► Adults and elderly
► People who are constipation, fasting, overweight, water retention (oedema), indigestion and low immune function
► Busy city dwellers and meat eaters
✦✦ Promote detoxification ►► Remove waste and toxin.
✦✦ Relieve constipation ►► Improve bowel movement.
✦✦ Promote weight loss ►► Prevent oedema or bloating.
✦✦ Delay skin ageing ►► Quench harmful free radicals.
✦✦ Enhance skin conditions ►► Promote clearer and more radiant skin.
✦✦ Reinforce immune functions ►► Provide daily dose of vitamins and minerals.
✦✦ Promote slimming ►► Encourage digestion and fat oxidation.
✦✦ Anti-age ►► Rejuvenate and facilitate a more healthy skin and body.
Add one sachet of Love Cell with 400ml Cold water in a shaker. Shake 3 - 5 Times and drink immediately. Good Taste. Drink after dinner daily, 1 sachet each time.

Tips: During the Love Cell consumption period, drink adequate amount of water (at least 2~3L) daily in order to ease defaecation and exert its optimum effect.
Storage: Keep in cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight exposure.

Q: When is the best time to consume Love Cell?
A: It is recommended to consume before going to sleep because absorption capabilities are the strongest after 11pm. Besides, defaecation usually follows after 6-8 hours of consumption i.e. the next morning. Hence, it will not afflict your life.

Q: When can I see the effectiveness of Love Cell?
A: As the ingredients in our product help to detoxify and ease defaecation which usually follows after 6-8 hours of consumption. A flatten tummy can be observed after continuous daily consumption of Love Cell within the first week. Although it is not a slimming supplement, many have reported weight loss while cleansing. After 1 month of consumption, you will see significant improvement that incudes better bowel movement, less body weight and better immune system. Furthermore, your skin is getting smoother, finer, more translucent and supple gradually.

Q: What should I notice during the period of consumption?
A: For optimum results, kindly drink adequate amount of water, which is at least 2~3L of water intake daily. Our product contains fibre which needs water to be able to exert its effect. Drinking water also helps to remove wastes and toxins from our body.

Q: Will long-term usage of Love Cell cause any side effects?
A: All of our ingredients are 100% of natural origin and there are no side effects that have ever been reported even in its prolonged consumption.


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