Monday, July 28, 2014

Konjac Sponge

100% natural, made from vegetable fiber clean while massage 

植物特性:魔芋本身含有植物碱所以加工制作出来的魔芋洁肤棉也有这一特性,所以在使用的时候能够带走深藏于毛孔中的污垢,即使不用肥皂或洗面奶也可以中和及分解残留在肌肤中化妆品或微尘。弹性纤维:魔芋洁肤绵特有的魔芋纤维组织,可以修补晒后脆弱的肌肤,即使用力揉搓,也不会伤害肌肤;葡聚甘糖:魔芋的有效成分为葡聚甘糖,它是天然的保湿因子,有较好的补水功能,在洗脸的同时补充肌肤水分;洗完脸后,更能锁住肌肤水分,不会像以前洗脸那样,洗后感觉脸部紧绷、干燥。海绵结构:能够更容易的将洗面奶打出更多的泡沫,并且能够去除角质以及角质层中的黑色素,起到美白的作用。长期使用:能否起到按摩洁肤作用,可促进新陈代谢、促使血液循环顺畅。天然环保 :在当今环境污染日益严重的社会,环保产品越来越受到消费者的青睐;本产品是绿色的环保产品,对人体没有任何伤害,废弃后放入土中掩埋三个月后降解率达到99%,不会对环境造成破坏。添加了竹炭成分的魔芋海绵从外观上看来黑乎乎的,可是别小瞧了它,具有比普通魔芋海绵更强的吸附力,当你在外面工作了一天,回到家蛮脸的油渍,用添加了竹炭成分的魔芋绵一洗,轻轻松松去掉脸上的油渍,长期使用,可以去掉脸部肌肤中黑色素,起到美白的效果!

Konjac Sponge is made from 100% pure, natural konjac dietary fibre. Being unbelievably soft and gentle, it is ideal for everyone including newborn babies! It will bring back the natural glow and softness of the skin with daily usage. 

Key features of KONJAC SPONGE 

* Gently exfoliates to bring bck the natural glow of the skin 

* Kills acne-causing bacteria 

* Effectively balances the PH of the skin

* Extra soft features are ideal for delicate and sensitive skin 

* Naturally moisturizers the skin Ideal for people with atopic skin disorders (hypersensitive skin)

How to use?

1) soak the sponge in water for a while and press it several times to expel the excess water before using 

2) Massage gently in circular motions on the face or body

3) Rinse the sponge and press it gently with two hands until dry 

4) store and hand the sponge in a cool and well-ventilated place to air dry properly..

Tips- you can add your favourite foam cleanser when using the sponge for best results, replace the sponge every 2-3 months

Remember to visit my Facebook page 

PM for the price if you are interest yea😘😘


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