Friday, October 18, 2013

Banana cake

i'm so miss my handmake banana cake... 

share my receipe with you guys..

Items you need to prepare

5 eggs
300g Sugar
400g Banana
300g Plain flour (sifted)
1tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Soda bi-carbonate (spongy)
200g Corn oil / cooking oil/ butter oil

** Remember prepare all ingredient before you start everything... 

Preheat oven to 160 degrees C
Grease and line deep 10" square baking tin with paper

1) Whisk eggs, sugar and banana for 10-15min at max speed until stiff

2) add sifted floor, baking powder and soda bicarbonate and fold well by HAND

3) add in corn oil and mix well (control oil if you feel oily stop it)

4) Pour into baking tin and bake for 40-45min

Use knife or fork to test the cake make sure didnt have sticky mean cook well..


See my Banana Cake below... Yummy... Successful...



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