Friday, August 9, 2013

Hatyai Free & easy Trip 2013

I'm so sorry to late upload my Hatyai - Thailand Photo...
I went to Hatyai wth a group of friend and my boyfee by drive over from Malacca to Kedah..
We going on Malay Raya (Malay New year) on 8-8-2013 and Singapore National on 9-8-2013 so we didnt take any leave for it.. Actually shop at Hatyai 4 day 3 night good enough to shop..
We drive over on Wednesday Night and reach Kedah about 6-7am Thursday Morning..
Omg... that's was a super jam on that day.. cause is Malaysia Public Holidays we really spend some time at the jam and Q-ing into Hatyai, Thailand Custom.

But that's still feel affordable we reach Hatyai, Thailand around noon time..
My holidays is start =)
Actually damn cheap all the thing at Hatyai it might be near to Malaysia so that's good place for Malaysian to shopping.. Most of the Uncle & Auntie like to shop =) they buying zebra pod at there.
for me i like Thailand foodies ~~~ Super cheap compare with Singapore...

Most of Hatyai people knew Hokkian Language so that's easy for us to communicate...
I love the Tom Yam, Dian xin (点心)- chinese breakfast, fruits and juice super cheap...
Compare between Bangkok and Hatyai that really big different...
Bangkok is city of Thailand it's look like a business place..
Hatyai just a small town of Thailand and the environment is just simple and relax...
Compare foodies and clothing with Bangkok that's still few dollar different...
But most people like to go Bangkok compare..
for me both i like... for those whose which to save more money can choose Hatyai by bus although that's really tired with travel about 15hrs from Singapore and 11hrs from Malacca.. but if you going with a group of friends that's fun at all...

To be honest, i didnt take much photo for this trip.. but still have photo to share with you guys...

This is 1st time i went for Floating Market though i go Thailand so many times...
we took Tot-Tot car over the night market and the driver parking outside and willing to wait us back from market... i can't remember how much the fee but not really expensive.. 4-5 pax sharing is cheap.. dont worried can nego the price before you board..

Floating Night Market View from the entrance.. 
(Photo abit blur cause just use small camera to snap)

this is their stall.... Sampan and they use the stick and bucket to pass your food and collect money

she is Rice cake stall... i love it too....

this is Cute.. green frog handmade... 

buy this for my cute niece... small tiger 
(can't remember the price think about 150- 200 baht - SGD $6)

Dare to try???

gosh!!! i no dare to try...

Ermm~~~ i love Thailand foodies...  i like spicy and sour taste...
you know floating market has selling alot of special foodies that we can't find at Singapore... 
the price is just 20 baht (SGD $0.90) ONLY..... cheap rite? i'm going crazy saw the price..

share some foodies photo with you guys...

i love this... can't remember is pork or chicken or fish but the taste really Delicious =)
wakakakakaka 20 baht only

is a kuey - Rice kuey with coconut milk... 
omg.. thumb up~~~ Yummy...

i Love this - Fried Prawn cake - eat with the chili 
you will feel like fly into heaven.. wakakaka...

can you feel it? hahahahhaa....

feel like going hatyai again =) 
just to share with you guys... this trip FOC for me.. Paid by my beloved Alex Foo...
treat a monthsary celebration for me.. Thank you Mr Foo..


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