Monday, July 15, 2013

Migraine killing me =(

Monday blue~~~~~
I hate Monday ....
Actually dislike Sunday too... Cause the next day is Monday 
I'm MC today... I should happy cause no need to work...
But I'm sad cause migraine suffering me whole night...
Jus took medicine...
I'm asking to doctor why keel migraine recently..
She told me that I'm too stress!!!! Did I?
I dunnoe... Maybe Yes.... Might be no...
Hahahahha... Or maybe think too much...
This year damn critical year for me... 
Luck keep go down =( I wanna change it!!!!
Wanna do something to change all the bad to good...
Think I have to hide myself to for awhile... 
Can I? Hahaha.... I know impossible....
Gambatteh to myself......


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