Sunday, August 18, 2013

Blessed him... 祝福她..

I'm sick....
Sore throat + fever + flu..
Omg!!!! That's combo from god =)
Thanks god.. For giving me so nice present....

Ermm~~~ sick people will having down mood... Emo....
Me too... That's why I'm here to talk with u guys..

I hate sick.... It really make my mood down...

I hate Facebook too... Hahaha.... You know why?

I just received wedding invitation on December... WTXX
Actually I should happy for them....
But hor the bride not me leh..... Hahahahha....
Know why I'm saying this?
Shhhh~~~~~ tell you... He is my poly Ex lo!!!

Should angry? Happy?

Hahahahha.... Actually I'm happy with him la.
Finally he getting married on this 14 December 2013...
Congrats to him.., 

Sometime I will think that if I have nice temper it izzit all this will change?
Emm~~~ maybe I won't be at Singapore....
Maybe staying at hometown or kl?. 
But hor I like my life now cause I have a nice boyfriend... (Trying to show off)

说到这让我好想嫁酱.... Hahahahha aha....

Anywhere.... Blesses him, happy marriage Mr & Mrs Aw.... 


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