Sunday, May 18, 2014

Attending Wedding Dinner @ Malacca

Went back to Malacca attending best friend wedding dinner...
He is my "Kai Go-Go" when we at poly time

Congrats Bro... Must be guai-gaui be a good husband.. hahahahaha

Every-time friend wedding is ours gathering... that's the only way all of us able to meet up chit-chat and selfie.... hahahaha....

Really enjoyable with them... most of poly friend plan wedding this year.... 2014 horse year

so next month i gonna attend another wedding again which is my poly friend as well...

total 5 wedding to be attend on this years =_=!!!

why so many people rush for horse year? izzit horse year = hor se...

hahaha.... share with you guy ours selfie photo during dinner...

Alex, Me , Roger & Lee fen

Laugh die me this photo... center is Ah Liaw ours big boss - lao da

1st photo is my best friend Janice & last photo is my 10++ years friend Kelvin...

Funny group photo... selfie - poly

took a photo with the couple... 新婚愉快..... 早生贵子.....



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